Thursday, February 5, 2015

This Place I Call Home

  Ta da!! It's your lucky day! Y'all get PICTURES! Today's picture roll is a tour of where I live, and have lived for the last year. It's a little apartment space above my in-laws shop; it currently has no running water, there's no heat except the wood stove in the kitchen, the bathroom has only a composting toilet, and no shower (I promise I do take showers. Every day. I just have to go next door to take one!), and it's pretty dark even on the best of days.

 But you know what? I LOVE it here! Really. It's a quirky little spot, but it's home to me and my husband.

 So, without further ado... Let the tour begin!

First off is ze' kitchen. The picture you see below is the view you get when you first walk in the door.

And here's the "kitchen part" of the kitchen. LOL. Lots of checkers going on here! But I like it; it's cheery in a funky sort of way.

A view of our lovely, slightly-cantankerous wood stove...

The "bedroom" area. There's no real bedroom; it's all one big, open space. But we have a corner of the house for the bed. Nothing fancy, but quite comfortable. :-) (and that mishmash of papers on the wall are where I tape up all the drawings that little kids give me. I'm sappy like that... Hehe.)

The living room! Yes, that's another wood stove right there in the middle, but we can't use it due to the fact that it burns too hot (no damper on it) and could potentially set the place on fire. Which, last I heard, was not a good thing. As you can see, we've got twinkle lights hanging to add more light (much needed here!), and they've been hanging since last year; when a blog reader mentioned stringing them up to help me sleep better at night (which they did, and I finally got to the point that I can sleep without them. LOL.). The open door on the right leads to the bathroom, and the closed door on the left is the "man cave". Yep, I let my husband have his very own man cave. To which, I'm not allowed to go in unless I want internet, because that's the only spot where you can sometimes get a little bit of working wi-fi.

  Believe it or not, that's all there is to this house! It's tiny, but fun. You can walk the whole length of it in 15-20 steps. I've enjoyed my year here though, and I'm going to miss it when we finally have to move...

 But there you have it. This is where the distracted yogi lives and distractedly tries to accomplish her yoga. ;)


  1. Looks quite neat and homely,you've done a good job. our place is about the same floorspace but divided into bedroom, living room, tiny galley kitchen and small bathroom and tiny lobby.
    Enjoy and relax !xx

  2. Pictures!!! You've made your loft into a beautiful little home. I want to come over and visit.
    I love the lights and the checkered floor! the best houses are the ones with quirks, same with people. That's why I enjoy your blog so much.
    Are you still working on the farm?


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